Friday, January 21, 2011

Whistling School for Boys returns!

After a year and a half off from live performances, Whistling School for Boys returns tonight in Athens at Flicker! I'm so proud of my wifey. xoxo! Regular +_+_ "updates" start soon... just need to find my voice!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

FT does it again

Read this. I think Fred’s got it right. He’s always working on various musical projects, different bands, allowing for his creative juices to never go… unjuiced. Keep keep keep making art because it’s fun to ooze out your juices.

I can't allow myself to be dead emotionally or creatively anymore. Now Playing: Strawberry Switchblade.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

OK... Time to Blog/Blahg.

Ok, it's time to show and tell, which is all blogging is. All entries can't be winners, but you can't win without starting the race and trying. Here's a funny video. Expect more sharing and caring here at _+_:

Shhhh...please don't let it out that I love sports.